Type of Presentation
Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 210
The information literacy needs of music students include not only the written word, but also scores and recordings. Music students need to be able to evaluate music sources in the same way an English composition student would evaluate written sources for a paper. What makes an edition of a musical score authoritative? What makes a recording reliable? Information literacy for music students involves learning to use scores, recordings, and musical research to better prepare their performances. Helping students develop the tools to evaluate musical editions and recordings assists the student in becoming a better overall musician and performer.
Using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, the presenters (a music faculty member and a music librarian) will examine the information literacy needs of music students. The frame “authority is constructed and contextual” especially applies to the evaluation of music sources. The presentation will include discussion of the collaboration between music faculty and librarians to create classroom activities for evaluation of sources.
Short Description
Music students need to be able to evaluate music sources in the same way an English composition student evaluates written sources for a paper. What makes an edition of a musical score authoritative? What makes a recording reliable? This presentation by a music faculty member and a music librarian will discuss source evaluation for music students and the collaboration to create classroom activities.
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Weisbrod, Elizabeth J. and Garrison, Karen, "“All about that Bass”: Source Evaluation for Music Performance Students" (2015). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 13.
“All about that Bass”: Source Evaluation for Music Performance Students
Room 210
The information literacy needs of music students include not only the written word, but also scores and recordings. Music students need to be able to evaluate music sources in the same way an English composition student would evaluate written sources for a paper. What makes an edition of a musical score authoritative? What makes a recording reliable? Information literacy for music students involves learning to use scores, recordings, and musical research to better prepare their performances. Helping students develop the tools to evaluate musical editions and recordings assists the student in becoming a better overall musician and performer.
Using the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, the presenters (a music faculty member and a music librarian) will examine the information literacy needs of music students. The frame “authority is constructed and contextual” especially applies to the evaluation of music sources. The presentation will include discussion of the collaboration between music faculty and librarians to create classroom activities for evaluation of sources.