Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 210


The attributes of information literacy can change related to the context in which the information need occurs including the environment in which the need will manifest itself. This presentation will focus on the attributes of the workplace and how teaching information literacy can be different as it relates to “information” literacy in particular environments. Specifically, research will be shared related to a grant due diligence, regarding skill assessment and competencies needed by community college librarians for use in instructional design for teaching workplace information literacy. This would include programs such as job training or technology based programs as seen in vocational programs within the community or technical college purview. This presentation will discuss components pulled from field literature as well as research findings available from the grant research project.

In community colleges for example; information literacy is taught very similarly across all disciplines when in reality the learning outcomes need to be different as related to the students’ educational need and their expected career path. Recognizing these different needs will influence the instructional design of the course work and provide better opportunities for meeting needs beyond graduation.

Teaching workforce literacy can present a unique set of challenges that librarians might encounter while working with particular clients/patrons or in environments that are not research based but are vocational in nature. Some information resources may have direct application, usually in a job related need or in technical career oriented programs, thus should be addressed differently through instruction. This presentation will include definitions that can apply or are important in making this distinction between traditional definitions of information literacy and workforce literacy.


Short Description

The presentation will highlight the different needs of vocational or workplace information literacy and provide suggestions on instructional design that supports identification of diverse needs in order to tailor instruction accordingly.


vocational instruction design information literacy

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


Oct 11th, 9:45 AM Oct 11th, 11:00 AM

Teaching Workplace Information Literacy

Room 210

The attributes of information literacy can change related to the context in which the information need occurs including the environment in which the need will manifest itself. This presentation will focus on the attributes of the workplace and how teaching information literacy can be different as it relates to “information” literacy in particular environments. Specifically, research will be shared related to a grant due diligence, regarding skill assessment and competencies needed by community college librarians for use in instructional design for teaching workplace information literacy. This would include programs such as job training or technology based programs as seen in vocational programs within the community or technical college purview. This presentation will discuss components pulled from field literature as well as research findings available from the grant research project.

In community colleges for example; information literacy is taught very similarly across all disciplines when in reality the learning outcomes need to be different as related to the students’ educational need and their expected career path. Recognizing these different needs will influence the instructional design of the course work and provide better opportunities for meeting needs beyond graduation.

Teaching workforce literacy can present a unique set of challenges that librarians might encounter while working with particular clients/patrons or in environments that are not research based but are vocational in nature. Some information resources may have direct application, usually in a job related need or in technical career oriented programs, thus should be addressed differently through instruction. This presentation will include definitions that can apply or are important in making this distinction between traditional definitions of information literacy and workforce literacy.
