Open Educational Resources and the Information-Literate Student

Type of Presentation

Panel (1 hour and 15 minutes presentation total for two or more presenters)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 1002


Educational resources publishing and information literacy are both currently in a state of great change - open educational resource (OER) and open licensing initiatives are challenging the commercial paradigm, while the very nature of information literacy is changing from a focused set of skills to a framework for deeper understanding with disposition-focused outcomes.

Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) is a University System of Georgia (USG) initiative that provides affordable textbook alternatives and encourages the development of OERs. The goal is to reduce educational costs for students and to promote student success. Three members of the ALG pilot team will discuss the place of OERs and open licensing in a curriculum designed to grow information-literate higher education students.

The presentation will draw parallels between the 2013 ACRL “Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy” white paper and new OER concepts. Among the topics discussed will be new student learning outcomes for open resources and open licensing, changes in pedagogy when using OERs, and opportunities for librarians to get involved in OER initiatives. The presenters will also share their individual experiences with OERs and discuss their future plans to incorporate OERs into reference services, online and in-person instruction, and curricula.

Short Description

This presentation will draw parallels between the 2013 ACRL “Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy” white paper and new OER concepts. Among the topics discussed will be new student learning outcomes for open resources and open licensing, changes in pedagogy when using OERs, and opportunities for librarians to get involved in OER initiatives. The presenters will also share their individual experiences with OERs and discuss their future plans to incorporate OERs into reference services, online and in-person instruction, and curricula.


open textbooks, open educational resources, open access, lifelong learning

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Oct 11th, 9:45 AM Oct 11th, 11:00 AM

Open Educational Resources and the Information-Literate Student

Room 1002

Educational resources publishing and information literacy are both currently in a state of great change - open educational resource (OER) and open licensing initiatives are challenging the commercial paradigm, while the very nature of information literacy is changing from a focused set of skills to a framework for deeper understanding with disposition-focused outcomes.

Affordable Learning Georgia (ALG) is a University System of Georgia (USG) initiative that provides affordable textbook alternatives and encourages the development of OERs. The goal is to reduce educational costs for students and to promote student success. Three members of the ALG pilot team will discuss the place of OERs and open licensing in a curriculum designed to grow information-literate higher education students.

The presentation will draw parallels between the 2013 ACRL “Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy” white paper and new OER concepts. Among the topics discussed will be new student learning outcomes for open resources and open licensing, changes in pedagogy when using OERs, and opportunities for librarians to get involved in OER initiatives. The presenters will also share their individual experiences with OERs and discuss their future plans to incorporate OERs into reference services, online and in-person instruction, and curricula.