The Role of Digital Ethos in Research Writing

Type of Presentation

Panel (1 hour and 15 minutes presentation total for two or more presenters)

Target Audience



Room 218


See presentation description.

Presentation Description

Each panelist would analyze the role that digital ethos plays when students (and instructors) attempt to assess the credibility of websites to use for research writing. Specifically, this presentation identifies concrete strategies students employ when determining a source’s credibility and the repercussions those choices have in the context of teaching information literacy and research writing. The panelists would also like to examine the benefits and drawbacks of these variable student approaches in relation to current scholarly approaches to information literacy drawn from a multidisciplinary perspective.


Digital ethos, Source evaluation, Website evaluation, Research writing, Information literacy, Multidisciplinary education

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 21st, 4:15 PM Sep 21st, 5:30 PM

The Role of Digital Ethos in Research Writing

Room 218

See presentation description.