Type of Presentation
Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 1005
See presentation description.
Short Description
This presentation shows how action research was used to support a group of academics in one discipline in a New Zealand University to integrate IL development into their courses. Our research revealed that, rather than being unwilling to teach skills, the participating faculty simply had little understanding of their potential role in helping develop students’ IL skills. Action research allowed us to hear and share the voices of the faculty and students, and see the change in their attitudes and behaviors as we trialled interventions aimed at developing IL in the disciplines.
Information literacy, New Zealand universities, Faculty
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Feekery, Angela, ""That's Not My Job": Supporting Academics to Develop Information Literacy Skills in Content Courses" (2012). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 35.
"That's Not My Job": Supporting Academics to Develop Information Literacy Skills in Content Courses
Room 1005
See presentation description.