Getting Credit for It: Constructing Information Literacy Credit Courses
Type of Presentation
Workshop (1 hour and 15 minutes)
Target Audience
Higher Education
Room 1005
See presentation description.
Short Description
This workshop will guide participants through the process of developing or re-developing information literacy credit courses. Broadly conceived, an information literacy credit course could be a composition course, an introduction to research course, a critical thinking course, or any discipline-specific course whose focus requires students to develop and exercise their information literacy skills. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants should have a solid understanding of the process of developing information literacy credit courses, a start on a proposal to create a new credit course or to revamp an existing one, and perhaps a fellow participant or two with whom they may continue to collaborate.
Information literacy, Information literacy credit courses, Course development
Publication Type and Release Option
Presentation (Open Access)
Recommended Citation
Whitlock, Brandy, "Getting Credit for It: Constructing Information Literacy Credit Courses" (2010). Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy. 57.
Getting Credit for It: Constructing Information Literacy Credit Courses
Room 1005
See presentation description.