Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience



Room 1005


Actively engaging students in the learning process makes for a much more satisfying experience for both the instructor and student, and using technology is one way to do this. In this time of shrinking budgets, however, justifying the expense of new software can be difficult. This presentation will focus on four software programs that are available at no cost on the Internet and will describe how each may be used in information literacy instruction. The four software programs that will be profiled are: Jing, which allows for the creation of short video demonstrations; Zoomerang, survey software that may be used for instruction assessment; MindMeister, a mindmapping software; and iSpringFree, a program which enables the publication of PowerPoint presentations to the Internet. The presentation will center on: •Reaching and teaching millennial students with technology (studies show that using technology increases student engagement). •How technology can help meet the needs of different learning styles (especially visual and kinesthetic learners). •The pros and cons of using the four software programs profiled • How these software programs compare to other free programs and similar commercial programs. The presentation will offer practical ways to implement the highlighted software in any library setting and will briefly discuss strategies for assessing learning objects created with the programs.

Short Description

This presentation will focus on four software programs that are available at no cost on the Internet and will describe how each may be used in information literacy instruction. The presentation will offer practical ways to implement the highlighted software in any library setting and will briefly discuss strategies for assessing learning objects created with the programs.


Jing, MindMeister, iSpringFree, Zoomerang, Free educational software, Information literacy., Educational technology., Library orientation for college students.

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Oct 1st, 8:30 AM Oct 1st, 9:00 AM

Using Freely Available Software in Information Literacy Instruction

Room 1005

Actively engaging students in the learning process makes for a much more satisfying experience for both the instructor and student, and using technology is one way to do this. In this time of shrinking budgets, however, justifying the expense of new software can be difficult. This presentation will focus on four software programs that are available at no cost on the Internet and will describe how each may be used in information literacy instruction. The four software programs that will be profiled are: Jing, which allows for the creation of short video demonstrations; Zoomerang, survey software that may be used for instruction assessment; MindMeister, a mindmapping software; and iSpringFree, a program which enables the publication of PowerPoint presentations to the Internet. The presentation will center on: •Reaching and teaching millennial students with technology (studies show that using technology increases student engagement). •How technology can help meet the needs of different learning styles (especially visual and kinesthetic learners). •The pros and cons of using the four software programs profiled • How these software programs compare to other free programs and similar commercial programs. The presentation will offer practical ways to implement the highlighted software in any library setting and will briefly discuss strategies for assessing learning objects created with the programs.