The Personal Interview and Visual Representation As Planning Tools: Developing a Learning Centered Community within the Classroom

Type of Presentation

Individual paper/presentation (20 minute presentation)

Target Audience

Higher Education


Room 212


See presentation description.

Presentation Description

No man is an island; entire of itself any man’s death diminishes me. John Donne’s aptly put, albeit it politically incorrect, meditative statement stresses a main tenet about human nature. Stemming from humans’ social atmosphere, people work more efficiently in collaborative and collective settings. They function well in a community, evidenced by the steady growth of humankind in its early establishment. Even the most primitive cultures which still exist globally develop social work and relationship habits, fostering kinship despite their separate identities. Thus, one should clearly investigate the benefits of developing a learning centered community within higher education. To effect institutional change, one must critically define the term; a thorough breakdown of a learning centered institution should emerge from careful deliberation. The simplest way to initiate the plan would include two basic categories: faculty and students. Although this appears sophomoric in its listing, several branches will emerge as one begins the branching process. This report will list a few categories to consider within each major division. Preparing adequate and detailed peer review sessions will easily produce collaborative learning as well as demonstrate the benefits of student interaction. For example, several Pair Share activities allow students to reiterate what they learned from the classroom lectures. Thus, rather than simply talking at the students, this activity encourages students to talk about what they learned in the classroom.


Information literacy, Collaborative learning, Learning Centered Communities

Publication Type and Release Option

Presentation (Open Access)


Sep 25th, 4:30 PM Sep 25th, 5:30 PM

The Personal Interview and Visual Representation As Planning Tools: Developing a Learning Centered Community within the Classroom

Room 212

See presentation description.