Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

W. Keith Hartberg

Committee Member 1

Frank E. French

Committee Member 2

Sara N. Bennett


Much variation in the amount of white scaling on the abdominal tergites is exhibited by populations of Aedes aegypti. The genetic basis for inheritance of abdominal tergal white scale pattern was considered in this study. From the CARN strain of Ae. aegypti, chosen because of increased variability in abdominal tergal scale pattern, two experimental strains were established (CARN-LIGHT and CARN-DARK). These experimental strains were crossed in all possible directions in single pair matings.

Progeny were examined and scored according to McClelland's (1974) original pattern value system of classification, and according to the CKM system of classification, developed during this study. In the latter system, only the number of tergites with white scales is considered regardless of the amount of white scaling on the tergites.

Based on analysis of single pair progeny from experimental crosses, it is proposed that genes at three separate independently assorting loci control abdominal tergal scale pattern in Ae. aegypti. A computer model, involving all possible crosses that could occur between parental types, was established. Observed results were compared to expected results as shown in the computer model printout. Correlation of observed data and expected data was high.

During this study, individuals with a light cuticle color and background scale color were observed in crosses involving CARN-LIGHT, The scale pattern of the seventh tergite in this experimental strain appears to be influenced by some genetic system other than the one controlling the scale pattern of tergites I-VI. This was especially evident in males of the strain.

Since the abdominal tergal scale pattern in Ae. aegypti appears to be controlled by one major polygenic system with modifiers, it is proposed that differences in ethology, physiology, and reproductive behavior be considered as the bases for separation of the species into types. iv

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