Term of Award

Summer 1993

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

John W. Parrish

Committee Member 1

Wayne A. Krissinger

Committee Member 2

Frank E. French


The near-ultraviolet (UV) light reflecting scale structures of Hebomoiah glaucinpe. Danaus chrysippus, Parthenos svlvia and Eunloea modesta were examined using both light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The ultrastructure of the UV-reflecting scales was slightly different in each individual and the arrangement was different from those previously reported. SEM showed the near-UV reflectance may be due to an interference mechanism produced by the arrangement of the lamellae on the ridges of the scales or the microribs. Ridges on the UV-reflective scales of H. glaucippeappear to be arranged closer together than the ridges of the nonreflective scales on that species. The ridges of the other three species were similarly spaced on both the reflective and non-reflective scales. In addition to the above mentioned species, the scales of eighteen Southeast Asian ditrysian butterflies, of the Nymphalidae and Papilionidae families, were examined using light microscopy. Light microscopic scale morphology was similar within each of the families, with each subfamily and genus having scales specific to its group.

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