Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Donald A. Olewine

Committee Member 1

Sturgis McKeever

Committee Member 2

Georgelle Thomas


Sixteen coronary-prone (Type A) and thirteen coronary-resistant (Type B) males were identified using a student version of the Jenkins Activity Survey for Health Prediction. Frontalis muscle tension (EMG) and EEC occipital alpha readings were obtained on all subjects both at rest and following submaximal and maximal exercise. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate were also monitored during the administration of a 3-minute cold pressor (CP) test. In addition, each male completed several psychological tests. Frontalis EMG was significantly higher for the Type A group during rest and following exercise. Neither submaximal nor maximal exercise resulted in a significant change in frontalis EMG for either group. Although the Type A group tended to have lower alpha activity at rest than the Type B group, there was no significant difference in their mean alpha production. Type A subjects exhibited a significant increase in alpha activity following maximal exercise, whereas alpha production for Type B individuals remained unchanged. Heart rate for Type A subjects was significantly elevated during the first 15 seconds of the CP test, but immediately returned to baseline levels. In contrast, Type B subjects showed a significant elevation in heart rate throughout the entire 3 minutes of this test. Both groups demonstrated significant increases in systolic BP during the second and third minutes of the CP test. Diastolic BP for each group was significantly elevated during the first minute of the CP, and again during the last two minutes of this test. Alpha activity in the Type A group did not change significantly during the CP test. In contrast, Type B alpha production during the 3-minute CP test was significantly less than that observed during the first 3 minutes of the preceding 10-minute resting recording period, but was significantly greater than that observed during the last 3 minutes of the preceding 10-minute resting recording period. The results of this study are discussed in terms of the coronary-prone and coronary-resistant behavior patterns.

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