Term of Award

Summer 1990

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Pamela S. Thomason

Committee Member 1

Jimmy Calloway

Committee Member 2

Paul S. Miko

Committee Member 3

Patrick R. Cobb

Committee Member 4

Victoria D. Shelar


This study was designed to: (1) to determine if significant differences existed in leisure participation, leisure motivation and leisure satisfaction of specific demographic segments of the female military population stationed at Moody Air Force Base and (2) to construct a leisure profile of that population. The total female military population (385) at Moody Air Force Base could participate in the study. Survey instruments were sent to each female military member. One-hundred and thirty (130) surveys were completed and returned. The surveys were coded and entered into an IBM personal computer. The nine null hypotheses were accepted as a result of the statistical tests. A leisure profile was compiled using descriptive statistics in the demographic variables.

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