Term of Award

Winter 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Gary McClure

Committee Member 1

Edward Smith

Committee Member 2

Janice Steirn


Perceptions of attractiveness and locus of control were examined in 14 eating disordered and 185 non-disordered female undergraduates (mean age = 18.5 years) who completed the Eating Attitudes Test, Locus of Control Scale, and attractiveness subscale of the Body Attitudes Questionnaire. Eating disordered subjects did not differ from normal controls on locus of control and on self perceptions of attractiveness. Significant relationships were found among the variables of locus of control, perceptions of attractiveness, and age. The results indicated that eating disordered individuals may not perceive themselves as more attractive than normal controls, but locus of control and age may play a role in how individuals perceive their attractiveness.

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