Term of Award

Summer 1978

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Richard Rogers

Committee Member 1

Georgelle Thomas

Committee Member 2

Robert Haney


The primary hypothesis investigated in this study was that there would be an interaction between sex of experimenter and sex of subject for sex-typed subjects, but not for androgynous subjects as determined by analysis of time scores on anagram problems. The Personal Attributes Questionnaire was administered to 17 6 persons enrolled in introductory psychology and sociology classes to determine their sex-type classifications. The 83 androgynous and sex-typed persons who volunteered for the study were administered the Ammons' Quick Test of intelligence and six unique solution anagram problems to solve. The tests were administered by four male and four female trained experimenters. From those tested, 16 androgynous males, 16 androgynous females, 16 masculine males, and 16 feminine females were randomly selected for the analysis. No significant differences were found, although the mean differences were in the hypothesized direction.

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