Term of Award

Summer 2001

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Elisabeth D. Sherwin

Committee Member 1

Janice H. Kennedy

Committee Member 2

Margaret A. Lloyd

Committee Member 3

William D. McIntosh

Committee Member 4

Janice N. Steirn


A vast amount of research has shown that stress may elicit the use of alcohol as a coping response and a growing body of research has begun to identify the underlying personality, biological, and/or environmental influences of stress-induced drinking. The present study examined Snyder's concept of hope as a predictor of coping style and alcohol expectancies (attributes correlated to stress-induced drinking) and their relation to the tension reduction hypothesis of alcohol consumption. It was expected that hope would predict an individual's coping style as well as his/her expectancies regarding the effectiveness of alcohol use. In addition, it was thought that hope (as well as coping style and alcohol expectancies) would predict the use of alcohol as a form of tension reduction. Discriminant function analyses suggest that hope does predict coping style and alcohol expectancies, and a multiple regression analysis indicated that hope was the strongest predictor of alcohol use as a form of coping. Results, however, failed to support the tension reduction hypothesis.


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