Term of Award

Summer 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Edward W. L. Smith

Committee Member 1

Michael E. Nielsen

Committee Member 2

Janie H. Wilson


The current study investigated the use of animal preference to distinguish between violent and nonviolent individuals Participants were 106 male college students and 93 male prison inmates Participants chose animals to answer projective questions and rated them on an 18-item semantic differential scale Results showed that inmates chose a bird as the animal they would most like to be more often than did students. The animals selected by violent and nonviolent participants did not differ on aggressiveness or semantic differential ratings. However, analyses revealed that students would most like to be more aggressive animals than would inmates. For the animal they would least like to be. inmates chose animals that were lower on the evaluative factor, more potent and more active than did students Inmates may have responded to the questions in this way because they wanted to give a good impression of themselves more so than the students did.

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