Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

James H. Oliver, Jr.

Committee Member 1

Bill Lovejoy

Committee Member 2

Sara N. Bennett


Effects of precocene 2 (P2) upon twice-fed adult female mites were explored. One mg of P2 administered immediately following the second blood meal was found to have the greatest ovipositional effect, resulting in an approximate 59% decrease in egg production and a significant increase in the number of unhatched eggs. Oviposition of female offspring of P2 treated adults was also affected, producing subnormal numbers of eggs. P2 treated females allowed 2 additional blood meals, and P2 treated females which subsequently received juvenile hormone (JH) were able to partially recover egg production, but remained ovipositionally subnormal in comparison to untreated and acetone-treated controls.

Histological sections of P2 treated females revealed the 4 stages of oocyte development usually encountered in normal Dermanyssus gallinae females. Nevertheless, a definitive statement on the histological development of the reproductive system could not be made.

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