Term of Award

Summer 1995

Degree Name

Master of Health Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

James A. Streater

Committee Member 1

Robert Lefavi

Committee Member 2

Sara Plaspohl


Undoubtedly, young people are this nation's most treasured and valuable resource. These individuals will be leaders of tomorrow, tackling the problems that the previous generation created or was unable to solve. In order to become leaders, these young people must be able to perform well in the society of tomorrow. With the increase in technology and the progression of the computer age, more of our young people are venturing forth into college life in order to compete and hopefully emerge victorious in tomorrow's job market.

College represents a critical stage of development intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, with these frequent and often difficult developmental changes come a great deal of turmoil and stress caused by a lack of confidence, a fight to succeed, and constant pressure to achieve in a highly competitive environment. Too often, alcohol becomes a perceived and accepted stress management tool due to the acceptance of prevailing norms regarding alcohol use among college students (Schmidt, 1994).

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