Term of Award

Summer 1982

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Arv Vogel

Committee Member 2

Donald C. Whaley


The College Year Book is a valuable collection of memories and documents for students, their parents, and faculty. Today more than thirty thousand schools in the United States publish yearbooks annually at an estimate cost of one-hundred million dollars. Usually through the production of the yearbook students get more deeply involved with photography, printing and printing management, writing and, editing this publication.

In addition to gaining greater knowledge in these areas, they learn to accept many responsibilities associated with publishing and printing management.

The yearbook of Georgia Southern College is the REFLECTOR. In view of these facts, it was determined that a study would be useful to survey the yearbook production at various colleges and universities throughout the United States to identify their problems and solutions dealing with the yearbook. It is believed that the results of this investigation may be used as an aid for future improvements in the production of yearbooks at Georgia Southern College.

Georgia Southern College has more yearbooks published annually than any other unit of the University System in Georgia. The staff and advisors have identified basic problems which may be common to other Colleges or Universities and are in need of information which may be used for positive decisions, improvements, contracts and other matters involving the college administration. These problems are identified in the questionnaire (See Appendix A).

Problems of yearbook production are generally related to budgets and financing, staffing, advisement, equipment and supplies, relations with publisher, administrative policies and the like.

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