Term of Award

Summer 1978

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Georgelle Thomas

Committee Member 1

Paul R. Kleinginna, Jr.

Committee Member 2

Robert Haney


Approximately 200 college aged males were administered the Jenkin's Activity Survey (JAS). Males scoring at the upper and lower extremes of the JAS were asked to serve as subjects (Type A, coronaryprone, N = 17; Type B, coronary-resistant, N = 25). Each subject completed a 10 minute physiograph recording session. Type A and Type B males were compared on measures of time spent producing occipital alpha and time spent in alpha per entry above 20 uv and 30 uv. They were compared on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale, and the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. The two groups' performances on an unfilled time estimation task (7, 15, and 30 seconds) were also compared. Type B males spent significantly more time in alpha above 20 uv (t = 2.19) and 30 uv (t = 2.02) than Type A males. Type A males scored significantly higher than Type B males on several sub-scales of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale: level of self-esteem (t = 2.12), perception of the way they behave or act (t = 2.35), their view of their state of health, physical appearance, skills, and sexuality (t = 2.02), their feelings of adequacy and evaluation of their personality apart from their physical and social self (t = 2.47), and the certainty with which they view themselves (t = 2.23). No significant differences were found on State-Trait measures or Locus of Control. A larger proportion of Type A males correctly estimated within ±25% accuracy the 7 second time interval; a greater proportion of Type Bs estimated within ±25% the 15 and 30 second intervals.

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