Term of Award

Spring 1978

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Georgelle Thomas

Committee Member 1

Shirley W. Osgood

Committee Member 2

Richard L. Rogers


Fifteen females matched the sound pressure of a monaurally presented 3000 Hz tone and numbers to the offensiveness of a series of slang words obtained from a list used by Baudhuin (1973). The geometric means of the sound pressure levels were plotted against the geometric means of numbers on semi-log coordinates. Results indicated that a power function relationship exists between sound pressure and numbers matched to the offensiveness of these words; thus, the offensiveness of slang words can be measured by direct scaling techniques. A significant positive correlation (rrho(10)=.976, prrho(10)=.564, p

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