Term of Award

Spring 2000

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Dale Grant

Committee Member 1

Namok Choi

Committee Member 2

Mary Jackson


Due to NCAA eligibility guidelines, coaches and administrators have a special interest in the academic performance of student-athletes. Furthermore, as a nontraditional group, it may be useful to use the NCQ to describe student-athletes. Insight into possible influences on their academic performance may help to improve services, especially academic support services, for student-athletes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to extend Sedlacek's use of noncognitive dimensions to all student-athletes, regardless of gender, ethnicity, or age. The research questions this study addressed were 1. Do the scores on the NCQ differ among student-athletes by gender? 2. Do the scores on the NCQ differ among student-athletes by race? 3. Do the scores on the NCQ differ among student-athletes by age? 4. Is there a significant relationship between GPA and noncognitive factors measured by the NCQ?

OCLC Number



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