Term of Award

Spring 1987

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Earl R. Andrews

Committee Member 1

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 2

Arv Vogel


Many printing companies today have grown from small print shops that originally may have been a side business in a newspaper production company. There was usually no need for a formal agreement outlining terms and conditions of the sale, because the printer personally knew and trusted all his customers; therefore, no set guidelines were usually established for processing orders. As business in a company grew, their very informal practices were merely expanded to accommodate the additional orders. Procedures were only slightly modified as the company grew. Managers of today's printing plants must adapt to the changing and growing demands that a larger operation brings with constant attention being given to establishing and maintaining procedures to insure both the efficiency and profit of the company.

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