Term of Award

Spring 1976

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Division of Industrial Technology

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Rex. A. Nelson

Committee Member 2

Hugh E. Darley


In view of the ever increasing advancements being made in industry and the need for qualified personnel to meet the demands of modern industry, the importance of industrial arts in public schools is becoming greater.

In industrial arts, "hands on" experiences play important roles in the learning process. "Hands on" experiences require tools and equipment for the proper application and of an adequate level of maintenance, to accomplish the task for which they were designed. Assuring proper maintenance of industrial arts facilities is an important factor which the industrial arts teacher is involved in the public school. It is the responsibility of teacher education institutions to properly educate industrial arts teachers in this area. It is also the responsibility of local boards of education to provide the industrial arts teacher with a properly maintained facility.

Properly maintained facilities play an important part in making an ideal learning situation. An ideal learning situation with respect to proper maintenance should include the following requirements:

  1. Appropriately educated teacher
  2. Proper tools and equipment
  3. Clean, well lighted, orderly environment
  4. Maintained safety standards
  5. Provision for replacement equipment purchase
  6. Support from local board of education
  7. Provision for depreciation of equipment (Nelson and Sargent)

These requirements should also decrease the frequency of accident occurence. Kigin (1963) notes that the general attitude that people have about accidents is that they are inevitable and not much can be done about them. Kigin's statement should be invalid with reference to industrial art personnel. Every precaution possible should be taken to assure safe working conditions in the industrial arts' facility.

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