Term of Award

Winter 1983

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1


Committee Member 2

James E. Manning

Committee Member 3

James E. Manning


In today's lifestream, computers have gained such an un-detachable place that they are, practically, being used in every area of technology and science. In the very near future, having microcomputers will be as essential as having a simple hand-held calculator today. In some Engineering and Engineering Technology Schools, having a microcomputer is required in many courses in the curriculum, and the student has to purchase a computer along with his books and notebooks.

The reason for this study is to provide the information necessary for technology students to use and apply the available computers to the School of Technology. The researcher will develop an inter-active Computer Service Line for the School of Technology faculty and students on the University System Computer Network (USCN). The Service Line will reside on the CYBER computer system. This thesis will, then, serve as reference and guide to available computer programs and applications to the School of Technology at Georgia Southern College (G. S. C. ).

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