Term of Award

Spring 1993

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

William McIntosh

Committee Member 1

Margaret A. Lloyd

Committee Member 2

Richard Rogers


The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the detrimental effects of rumination on the performance of a cognitive task. Such a finding would support the theoretical assumption that rumination occupies cognitive capacity (Martin & Tesser, 1989). It was hypothesized that people who were induced to ruminate would perform less well on a recall test following an impression formation task than would people who were not induced to ruminate. The results did not conclusively support this hypothesis. As a result, Martin and Tesser's (1989) assumption that rumination occupies cognitive capacity has not yet been supported. While some covariation between rumination and automatic processing was demonstrated, the results were complex and not easily interpreted. The results indicated that the effects of rumination on cognitive performance may not be as easy to define as once thought.

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