Term of Award

Spring 1995

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Edward W. L. Smith

Committee Member 1

William McIntosh

Committee Member 2

Richard Rogers


The relationships between extroversion-introversion (El), as measured by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, and preference for behavior therapy, Gestalt therapy, or psychoanalysis, and preference for individual or group psychotherapy were examined. Written descriptions of the three modes and the two formats of therapy were presented to 140 undergraduate college students. Participants responded to a questionnaire devised to assess which of the three modes were the most and least preferred and asked which of the two formats he or she would prefer if entering into therapy. It was hypothesized that moderate to very clear extroverts would prefer behavior therapy, moderate to very clear introverts would prefer psychoanalysis, and those with a slight preference for either extroversion or introversion would prefer Gestalt. It was also hypothesized that extroverts would prefer group therapy while introverts would show a preference for individual therapy. A series of chi-square analyses revealed El to be independent of preference for the various modes and formats of therapy. However, there was a strong preference overall for psychoanalysis and, to a lesser degree, for Gestalt therapy. Individual therapy was also significantly preferred over group therapy. Additionally, introverts indicated significantly more often than extroverts that they would be likely to enter therapy within the next five years.

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