Term of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (open access)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Michael D. Richardson

Committee Member 1

T. C. Chan

Committee Member 2

Jarrold Weatherford

Committee Member 3

Fred Page

Committee Member 4

Susan Trimble


This study sought to provide information concerning the high school principal's global-mindedness and whether that global-mindedness had an effect on globally focused teaching and programming within that school. The study also attempted to identity demographic and background factors, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that have an association with the global-mindedness of the person. Underlying the study was the premise that today's students need to be prepared for the globalized world in which they will live, that their preparation will come primarily from school and home, that educators must understand the globalized world if they are to prepare students, and that the principal plays a critical role in that process within the school, a role about which little has been written. The self-reported study looked at 186 high school principals within the state of Georgia. They represented all regions of the state and all sizes of schools and communities. Their scores on the Global-mindedness Survey were compared to and correlated with, the demographic and "background information they provided. Their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors were also compared to their global-mindedness. Also correlated were these scores with the amount and kinds of globally focused teaching and activities reported, to ascertain whether the principal's global-mindedness had an effect. Finally, from information provided by the principals, the researcher looked for other important factors in whether a global focus was occurring within a school. There was a significant relationship between being male (p

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