Term of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (open access)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Tak C. Chan

Committee Member 1

Stephen Jenkins

Committee Member 2

Harbison Pool

Committee Member 3

Deborah Thomas

Committee Member 4

Robert Martin


This study was intended to explore the visionary leadership of assistant principals in public middle schools. A study of this type conducted on a statewide basis provided empirical information on the visionary leadership of assistant principals as perceived by themselves and their respective teachers in Georgia middle schools. Since a limited amount of research existed on the visionary leadership role of middle school assistant principals, this study helped to fill a void in the current professional literature. Quantitative research methodology was used to analyze data generated from The Leadership Profile surveys, principals' middle school concept implementation surveys, and the assistant principals' selected demographic/biographic surveys. The collected data from the surveys determined how the 43 middle school assistant principals were perceived as visionary leaders by the 86 teachers within the respective schools. Additionally, the data determined how the assistant principals viewed themselves as visionary leaders. The data also determined to what extent were selected demographic/biographic variables related to the visionary leadership perceptions of teachers and assistant principals in Georgia middle schools. Finally, the data helped to determine if a relationship existed among middle school concept implementation and assistant principals' self perceptions of visionary leadership. The results of the study indicated that middle school assistant principals perceived themselves as visionary leaders. Their respective teacher observers also perceived the middle school assistant principals as visionary leaders. Overall, the results indicated that as a collective group the assistant principals in the study had higher perceptions of their visionary leadership roles than did their respective teacher observers. This difference in perception, however, was not great enough to be considered statistically significant. A major finding of the study indicated that assistant principals who have worked in their current schools for several years perceived themselves significantly stronger in their ability to see followers as empowered partners when compared to assistant principals new to the school. The degree to which a school implements the middle school concept was not related to the visionary leadership of the assistant principal.

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