Term of Award

Spring 1988

Degree Name

Master of Recreation Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (open access)


Department of Recreation and Leisure Services

Committee Chair

Paul S. Miko

Committee Member 1

Tom L. Paul

Committee Member 2

Patrick R. Cobb


This study consisted of 20 subjects. The treatment group consisted of 10 subjects from the Statesboro and Vidalia Dialysis Centers. The control group consisted of 10 subjects from the Metter Dialysis Center. Treatment consisted of: 1) establishing client-therapist rapport, 2) assisting subjects with their knowledge of recreation as a means for developing self awareness, self worth, and related participatory and decision making skills, 3) assisting subjects with exploration and acquisition of specific recreation interests and skills, and 4) bridging the gap between the subjects and their community. Self concept was measured using the pre and post test administration of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. The collected data was analyzed using a student's t-test with a .10 level of significance. The study took place over a six month period of time. The null hypothesis was: Increased involvement in recreation and community activities by in-center hemodialysis clients has no positive effect on self concept. Using the .10 level of significance, the null hypothesis could not be rejected.

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