Term of Award

Spring 1993

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Camille P. Stern

Committee Member 1


Committee Member 2

Sara E. Connor


This exploratory study examined the possible impact of an acuity-based patient classification system on staffing levels, staff mix, and cost as compared to a simple ratio system. The site of the study was a nineteen station acute and chronic dialysis unit in a 500-bed tertiary care hospital in the southeast. The unit provided 770 dialysis treatments to 96 patients during the one month study period. Each treatment was classified using the PCS and the ratio method and recommended daily staffing levels were calculated. The mean difference in recommended staffing levels was found to be statistically significant. Cost savings could also be demonstrated using the PCS by adjusting the staff mix from 100% RN to 50% RN/50% LPN.

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