Term of Award

Spring 1992

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

M. Christine Talmadge

Committee Member 1

June E. Alberto

Committee Member 2

Sara E. Connor


A descriptive study was conducted to assess the factors that influence critical care nurses' attitudes regarding organ procurement. Madeline Leininger's theory of transcu1tura1 care diversity and universality was used as a conceptual framework for the design of the study. The researcher-designed Organ Procurement Questionnaire was mailed to 250 critical care nurses from four Southeastern states. A forty-three percent response (N = 107) was obtained. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis.

The findings of this study support those of previous studies in that nurses largely approve of organ donation and organ procurement. The results revealed that most of the nurses would donate their own organs in any given situation in which someone needed an organ to continue living, and had indicated their willingness on their drivers license or by donor card. The nurses also indicated positive feelings regarding caring for a potential organ donor. The results of this study did not support those of previous studies in that for this study demographic data did not have a statistically significant impact on critical care nurses attitudes regarding organ procurement. Recommendations were made by the researcher that a qualitative portion be amended to the study. This would ascertain and assimilate rationales for the participates' response related to their attitudes regarding organ procurement.

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