Term of Award

Spring 1980

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Gary E. Dudley

Committee Member 1

Richard L. Rogers

Committee Member 2

Robert Haney


The purpose of this study was to investigate the interpersonal effects of seeking mental health treatment as influenced by the specific treatment setting employed. Ninety-six male and female subject ages 17 to 27 viewed a videotape of a dyadic interaction. Subjects were induced to believe that the "client" was seeking mental health treatment. Treatment settings used were: a state mental hospital, a community mental health center, or a private practice. Following the videotapes, the subjects completed the Behavioral Prediction Scale in reference to the client. The Scale was designed to assess the degree of attributed interpersonal difficulty in various situations. An analysis of variance was performed on subjects' prediction scores. No differences were found between male and female subjects. There were no differences in prediction scores as an effect of treatment setting employed. The treatment setting employed did not affect subject attributions of the client and these results are in contrast to those found by Phillips (1963). Weaknesses in the experimental manipulation were cited as contributing to the failure to find significant differences in attributed interpersonal behavior. Further study was indicated.

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