Term of Award

Fall 1993

Degree Name

Master of Health Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Sandy Streater

Committee Member 1

Christ Tuten

Committee Member 2

Emma Simon

Committee Member 3

Deanna Cross


Research has shown disparities in access to health care with Black Americans worse off than Whites. When compared to White Americans, Black Americans have been found to have decreased availability of health services, lower utilization of services and are disproportionately uninsured. One explanation is differences in income.

The research questions in this study investigate the opinions of lower income African Americans, classified as households with an annual income of less than $15,000, regarding healthcare and health care delivery systems in the Savannah, Georgia area. A second question in the study asks if there is a relationship between their general satisfaction with and utilization of preventive healthcare services. African Americans, 19 years and older participated in the study, N=125.

The research instrument used for data collection was a self-reported survey. A total score across eight variables reflected opinions regarding healthcare and health care delivery systems. A respondent with a score less than or equal to 12 was rated as generally dissatisfied. If a respondent's score was greater than 12 they were rated as generally satisfied. Descriptive statistics using frequencies, means, and percentages were used for data analysis of variables. A chi-square statistical test was performed to determine if there was a relationship between satisfaction and utilization of preventive healthcare services.

Eighty-two respondents had sufficient information for analysis in the chi-square statistical test. The results suggested that preventive health care utilization was independent of "opinions" about the health care services. Seventy-five percent of respondents (75.6%) had satisfactory opinions regarding healthcare and healthcare delivery systems in Savannah, Georgia. There was not a statistically significant relationship between the opinions and utilization of preventive health care services.

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