Term of Award

Spring 1995

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Physical Education


The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of a 10-week walking program on the physiological (cardiovascular health, body composition, and flexibility), psychological (loneliness), and nutritional (eating patterns) parameters of an independent-living older adult population, and to use this study to determine the logistics for a proposed grant through the Center for Rural Health and Research at Georgia Southern University. The subjects (n=10) were randomly assigned into one of two groups, WALK (n=5) and CON (n=5). One subject in the WALK group withdrew, and one subject requested to be moved to the CON group, resulting in the WALK group (n=3) and the CON group (n=6). Both the WALK and the CON groups were administered a battery of test assessments (consisting of: The Modified Bruce Submaximal Graded Exercise Test (utilizing the time on the treadmill), heart rate, blood pressure, body composition, flexibility, the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (RLS), a Food Frequency Checklist, and a 24-Hour Nutritional Recall), before and after the exercise prescription (10-week walking program). The WALK group (n=3) participated in a 10-week walking program prescribed by and under the supervision of an exercise physiologist. The CON group (n=6) did not participate in any exercise during this 10- week period. Results of pretest/posttest data were compiled with means and ranges reported. The pretest/posttest scores of the physiological and psychological data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U Test. The Food Frequency Checklist information was analyzed by a registered dietician, and the 24-Hour Nutritional Recall data was analyzed by the computerized software program, Nu-Deal (Manore, Vaughan, and Lehman, 1989). Results of the physiological, psychological and nutritional data showed no statistically significant results for either the WALK or CON groups from pretest to posttest.

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