Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Health Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Sandy Streater

Committee Member 1

Bobby Kennedy

Committee Member 2

Barbara Tanenbaum


The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not a statistically significant relationship exists between self-esteem levels of "at risk" ("at-risk" for dropping out of school) students as compared to the self esteem levels of non "at-risk" students. Students at a local public high-school were tested using the Battle Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory. Scores were analyzed to determine whether any correlation existed between the self-esteem levels of "at-risk" students and non "at-risk" students overall and by race, gender, and age. Although data analysis did not support the hypothesis, several interesting findings were revealed. Race was the only categorical variable found to be statistically related to being "at-risk". A higher proportion of nonwhites were "at-risk" in comparison with whites. "At-risk" students were younger than the non "at-risk" students and personal self-esteem scores were higher in the non "at-risk" group. The most interesting finding of the study was that the mean score for total self-esteem of "at-risk" nonwhites was higher than the mean score for total self-esteem of non "at-risk" nonwhites. This directly opposes the results observed for whites: "at-risk" whites had lower mean total self esteem scores than non "at-risk" whites.

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