Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Education in Higher Education Student Services

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology and Human Development

Committee Chair

Dale F. Grant

Committee Member 1

Alexander L. Chew

Committee Member 2

Cordelia Douzenis

Committee Member 3

Edward J. Bayens


This study was concerned with the Student Conduct Code and the Judicial Process within the Division of Student Affairs at a public, southeastern university. It examines students' perceptions to determine their level of awareness regarding the Student Conduct Code and the judicial process and whether their perceptions are consistent with campuses nationwide regarding major violations and those students committing violations. The study also addresses whether students who have been involved in a judicial case perceive the campus judicial process as being a fair one. The results suggest that the Student Conduct Code is available to students, the judicial affairs' process is considered fair by those who were involved. Nine hundred and eleven respondents provided a good representation of the student population attending the institution. The results provide insight that demonstrates students' aversion for academic dishonesty and reveals students' perceptions about certain populations on campus, namely those involved in Greek organizations concerning alcohol misuse. Results also provide insight into changes in violations which current literature does not address.

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