Term of Award

Summer 1984

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith Hickman

Committee Member 1


Committee Member 2



Despite the rapid growth and high visibility of broadcast technology as an advertising medium, printing-based technology is still the preferred media for producing advertising and promotional materials.

National profiles indicate the $67.7 billion market for producing advertising materials provides the largest source of revenue — from an industry-wide view point — for both broadcast and printing industries.

As a whole, the advertising consumers, or purchasers, primarily are served by three broad industrial classifications: (1) printing, publishing and allied industries; (2) communications industry; and, (3) advertising services industry.

The printing, publishing and allied industries segment (Standard Industrial Classification 27) produces over one-half, valued at over $34 billion nationwide, the advertising products and services consumed by industries in the United States. This segment (SIC 27) includes commercial printers, newspaper, magazine publishing, mail and related industries (excluding bag, box and container manufacturers).

The communications industries (SIC 48) — which includes telegraph, telephone, radio, television and cable television — account -for over $18 billion of the advertising revenue available across the nation.

The remainder, about $15 billion, of the nation's estimated expenditures for advertising, is spent for services connected with the production of both creative and physical ad materials destined for both printing and broadcasting media, including advertising agencies, outdoor advertising and other advertising industries not elsewhere classified.

The United States Department of Commerce estimated that both industry segments shared a 10-11 percent growth rate for the year 1981.

Contributing to the lack of depth of understanding about the nature of the advertising market and its impact on both printers and broadcasters is the lack of basic research on that topic. Research on topics relating to media in Georgia is especially incomplete. Available literature is explored in chapter II.

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