Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

W. Keith Hartberg

Committee Member 1

Sara N. Bennett

Committee Member 2

James H. Oliver, Jr.

Committee Member 3

Rosemarie Marshall


Eretmapodites quinquevittatus adults possess gold and black scales on their abdominal sterna. In some individuals the black scales are confined to sterna X, IX, VIII, VII, and VI while others have them on sterna X, IX, VIII, and VII. Six different patterns formed by the scales are readily identifiable. The results obtained in the present study support the hypothesis that the variation observed in the abdominal sternum scale pattern of E. quinquevittatus is controlled by 3 pairs of polygenes assorting independently with similar and cumulative effects. The data suggest that the scale pattern may be sex-influenced and that genes may be present that modify the effectiveness of certain alleles.

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