Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair

Donald W. Fausett

Committee Member 1

Richard Hathaway

Committee Member 2

Liancheng Wang


This thesis, Analysis and Optimization of a Mining and Manufacturing Operation, was written at the hypothetical request of management from the hypothetical Star Light Mining and Manufacturing Corporation. In essence, the problem proposed by Star Light Corporation is a job-scheduling problem that arises when a new production plant and mining shaft system is considered. This site will have all employees working as either a miner in the shaft system, a manufacturer in the plant, or a guard in either location. The objective of this research is to maximize profit and safety while minimizing guard to worker ratio and production machine use of time. In addition, several optional plans are also discussed in this document. Using basic linear and integer optimization methods, such as branch and return (also known as branch and bound) programming, the most profitable combination of 17 miners, 1 manufacturer, and 32 guards was found using the optional plan that includes advanced training for all miners.


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