Term of Award

Summer 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Wayne A. Krissinger

Committee Member 1

Sara Neville Bennett

Committee Member 2

Donald J. Drapalik


The osmotic-sensitive mutant os-8 of Neurospora crassa was isolated in the Neurospora Genetics Laboratory at Georgia Southern University. It has a gross morphology unlike that of the typical osmotic sensitive mutants but similar to the morphology of wild type. The degree of osmotic sensitivity of os-8 was similar to that of os-1. The os-8 mutant does not shed conidia when tapped as does wild type and in this regard resembles the mutants csp-2, and eas. Conidial size of os-8 was compared to os-1 and to conidial separation mutants for cultures grown at 25C in the light, 25C in the dark, and 37C in the dark. Although there was some variation among strains, in general, at 25C conidia were larger when strains were grown in the light. In general, when strains were grown in the dark, conidia were larger at the higher temperature. The os-8 mutant had fewer conidia than wild type strain 74, but more conidia than os-1. The mutant os-8 was known to be located on Linkage Group III and to be closely linked to ad-2 and trp-1. Attempts to map this mutant using these markers were present in the same cross. The two auxotrophs in combination were often not recovered suggesting little viability of this double mutant combination, and in addition, unexpected growth test results revealed an abnormal growth response of the double mutant os-8 ad-2. Consequently, the mutant vel was used to facilitate mapping of os-8. The os-8 mutant was found to be located between ad-2 and trp-1. Because of the numerous separate crosses which were necessary to determine gene order, accurate map distances could not be reported for the interval ad-2 os-8 trp-1.

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