Term of Award

Summer 1993

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith Hickman

Committee Member 1

Jyh-Hone Wang

Committee Member 2

James E. Manring


In this study, simulation techniques are used to improve the productivity in a small manufacturing environment. As an example, a cellular assembly layout of a petroleum meter manufacturer was simulated and examined based on two criteria, which were minimizing the total process time and the abating of product await time. It is found in this study that total process time could be reduced from a range 80.85% to 99.87 6%. By expanding the scope of the cellular assembly cell the process time was minimized and product wait time was disseminated. It is demonstrated that computer simulation would allow the Industrial Engineer to model various process definitions, and achieve a local optimum in productivity improvement.

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