Term of Award

Spring 1996

Degree Name

Master of Science in Biology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Biology

Committee Chair

Donald R. Drake

Committee Member 1

John E. Averett

Committee Member 2

Donald J. Drapalik


The objective of this study was to describe forest composition along a floodplain of the Ogeechee River located on Old Town Plantation which is approximately 7 km south from Louisville, Georgia, in Jefferson County. Old Town contains approximately 1498 ha, of which 1012 ha are forested and 486 ha is found in cultivated fields, pastures, ponds, powerline right of ways, and pine plantations planted on old fields.. It is estimated that the property contains roughly 202 ha of bottomland forests. Quantitative data were collected from 56 forest plots in which all plant species with stem diameters > 10 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) were measured. Plot classification, based on relative basal area, identified four forest associations. A polar ordination, based on relative basal area, arranged the plots from the four forests in groups poorly drained soil to moderately to well drained soil along the ordination axis. The four identified forest associations found were: I. Liquidambar-Taxodium, n. Liquidambar-Liriodendron, III. Quercus mixed, and IV. Quercus -Pinus. A total of 59 tree species with > 10 cm dbh were found on the plantation.

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