Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Exercise Science

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

James L. McMillan

Committee Member 1

W. Kent Guion

Committee Member 2

A. Barry Joyner


Creatine is widely used as a possible ergogenic aid to enhance athletic performance. The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of creatine supplementation on repeated 36.58 meter (40-yard) sprint performance. NCAA Division I intercollegiate soccer players served as subjects in the study ( n= 18, age= 19.94 ±1.21 years, weight= 76.09 ±9.13 kg, skinfold BF= 7.22 ± 2.97 %). Data collection was performed during weeks 5 and 6 of a 12-week off-season conditioning program. Subjects were hand-timed in six 36.58 meter (40-yard) sprints interspersed by 20 seconds of rest. Blood lactate samples (Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc., Model 1500) were measured prior to the sprints and three minutes following completion of the sixth sprint. Subjects were then assigned in a double-blind fashion to either a creatine (5 g , four times per day for six days) or placebo group. Following supplementation, sprint performance was once again measured. Data was analyzed using two-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Following supplementation, no significant differences were seen between groups over time for fatigue index, fastest sprint time, mean sprint time, body mass, or post-sprint lactate accumulation (P>0.05). Results of the study suggest creatine supplementation for six days does not improve repeated 40-yard sprint performance.

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