Term of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Janice N. Steirn

Committee Member 1

John D. Murray

Committee Member 2

Daniel G. Webster


The present study was intended to be an investigation of simple oddity learning by a Harris hawk through the use of stimuli in two conditions: form and motion. The study was to have consisted of a pre-training phase, a training phase, and a testing phase. However, due to the fact that the subject failed to pass the pre-training phase, the study could not be completed. The present paper includes a discussion on concept learning, oddity research, and raptor perception and behavior. The procedures and results of the pre-training phase are described, as well as the procedures that would have been involved in the training and testing phases. Several factors that could have contributed to the subject's failure to pass the pre-training phase of the study are discussed.


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