Term of Award

Summer 2001

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Michael D. Richardson

Committee Member 1

T. C. Chan

Committee Member 2

Harry Carter

Committee Member 3

Paul Scott


Transformational leaders make followers aware of the importance of their contribution to the team and its quest to meet the challenges of fulfilling the institutional mission propelling the institution toward the fruition of its vision. This is especially true in professionalized organizations. The Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education technical colleges have evolved into true institutions of higher education and thus have become increasingly professionalized. Through the present study, the researcher set out to determine if GDTAE presidents have become transformational in their leadership style as this professionalization has occurred. If so, the researcher further set out to determine which factors of the presidents' formal educational training, career experience, and years of experience may have affected leadership style.


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