Term of Award

Spring 1998

Degree Name

Master of Education

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Dale Grant

Committee Member 1

Cordelia Douzenis

Committee Member 2

Mary Jackson


Based on a review of literature discussing positives and negatives about religion and religious organizations in relation to freshmen college students, four research questions were developed regarding student opinions about the advantages and disadvantages associated with religious student organizations. Several observations were made concerning religious student organizations. According to the upperclass students who were surveyed, there were more advantages than disadvantages associated with being a member of a religious student organization, however, there were also some disadvantages given by both members and non-members of the organizations. The students perceived spiritual, social, and academic benefits associated with being a member of a religious organization. Several students also felt that being a member aided them in making the transition to college. Students who did not join a religious organization were also asked to comment on their reasons for not joining. One reason for not joining was that the students felt pressured to join and participate.

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