Term of Award

Spring 1997

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Garth F. Petrie

Committee Member 1

John Gooden

Committee Member 2

Judith Kent

Committee Member 3

Cordelia Douzenis


The purpose of this study was to determine which of the 10 components identified from the literature were present when a school joined the League and which were present and to what degree at the time of the survey. It also sought to establish the degree to which each component was related to the implementation of shared governance as measured by the three core premises of the League.

A non-random sample of five specific individuals from each elementary school that was an active member of the League, participated in this quantitative study. A survey instrument was designed and utilized to measure the degree to which each component identified from the literature was present before a school joined the League and at the time of the survey. This survev also asked the participants to rate the degree to which shared governance, by means of the three core premises of the League, was implemented at the time of data collection. Demographic data were collected on each participant to describe the population.

Results from this study indicated a statistically significant correlation between eight of the components identified from the literature and the implementation of shared governance as evidenced by the three core premises of the League. Descriptive statistics revealed that each component was present before the schools joined the League and at the time of the survey.

Significant correlations were established that would help schools implement shared governance. Specific factors, especially the use of action research to guide instructional focus, demonstrated a significant relationship to the establishment of shared governance as evidenced by the full implementation of the three core premises of the League.

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