Term of Award

Spring 2002

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Educational Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Dissertation (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Leadership, Technology, and Human Development

Committee Chair

Michael Richardson

Committee Member 1

Cordelia Douzenis

Committee Member 2

Fred Page

Committee Member 3

Cathy Jording


The purpose of this study was to provide information on how the state funded mentor teacher program, the Georgia Mentor Teacher Program (GMTP), was implemented state-wide. The goal of the GMTP was to provide teachers in need of support with the assistance of a skilled classroom teacher who had received instruction in mentoring teachers. These mentor teachers had successfully completed a 100-hour instructional and field experience course and held the Teacher Support Specialist (TSS) endorsement. All schools in Georgia were eligible to participate in the GMTP and receive money to pay endorsed mentor teachers to work with other teachers in need of support. In order to apply for this money, local districts had to submit an application to the Georgia Department of Education (GDOE) assuring that the district would comply with mandates set out by the Mentor Teacher Rule governing the program. This study provided insights on how these mandates are being met.

A representative sample of principals and mentors who participated in the GMTP in a single fiscal year was obtained based on state records of requests made by local districts for money to pay endorsed mentors. Surveys were sent to 765 mentors and 480 principals and returned by 442 mentors and 255 principals. Both principals and mentors were asked how mentors were selected, paired, and supported. Both principals and mentors were asked how they were accountable for the funds mentors received and how they evaluated the GMTP. Mentors were asked about the nature of their interactions with the teacher with whom they were paired.

The results of the study revealed that principals selected and paired mentors without input from other sources. Principals provided orientations for the mentors, but did not provide mentors with time dedicated to mentor duties, nor provide opportunities to meet with other mentors. Principals and mentors were both accountable for state funds. Principals reviewed documentation of the mentors' work, using an approved list of activities to determine its validity. Mentors helped their paired teacher develop instructional skills and adjust to the school environment, but did not provide assistance in the use of multi media or the internet as instructional tools. Neither principals nor mentors were involved in the evaluation of the program.


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