Term of Award

Spring 2000

Degree Name

Doctor of Education in Curriculum Studies

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Curriculum, Foundations, and Reading

Committee Chair

William M. Reynolds

Committee Member 1

Edmund C. Short

Committee Member 2

Delores D. Liston

Committee Member 3

Candy B. Schille


This project uses a feminist standpoint to view the life writings of five contemporary southern women. It identifies the common paradoxes in these women's lives as revealed through the stories they use to create a self in writing. Using feminist, autobiographical, and linguistic theory, this qualitative study starts from the lives of these women to create knowledge about problematics that are created in women's lives by the expectations of a patriarchal society and how they influence the formation of self. The research focuses on the similarities and differences of stories women tell of their lives in autobiographical writing and compares the researcher's life to those stories. The researcher finds similarities in the autobiographies of Roselynn Carter, Coretta Scott King, Rosemary Daniell, Mab Segrest, and Sue Monk Kidd with the autobiographical stories of her life while examining the female self constructed within a male dominated discourse.

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